The Truth of ‘Chinese Products in Dustbin’

Recently, due to Indo-China confrontation over the border and confirmation related to the origin of the Corona Virus, we have seen a social media campaign to ban Chinese Products. Various hashtags went viral, viz. ‘Chinese Products in Dustbin’, ‘Bharat United Against China’, ‘Treacherous China’, etc. All the Social Media platforms were flooded with posts and tags against Chinese Products. But, today, after a couple of days, it is no longer Viral. Did we move on? Is that the end of it all?
Call it Jingoism, fake patriotism, or patriotism, but such emotional sentiments never help though they very effectively create social awareness. Yes, I agree that it hurts when our soldiers are killed! That rage, aggression, anger, and a feeling to do something about it is irresistible, and social media platforms have become an effective medium to express ourselves. But, it should not stop there!
I took an opinion survey on the question, ‘Do you think India is self-sufficient to boycott Chinese Products right now?’ To my surprise, more than 80% of the responders responded ‘Yes!’ to this survey. This proves that we are very ignorant of the facts and the current situation. The irony is, the Indian Smartphone Market is dominated by Chinese Smartphones like OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo, etc., which we have used to post against Chinese products on our social media walls.

Please, do not misunderstand me here! I am saying that we should throw away our smartphones or not use them, or for that matter, buy them. All I am trying to say is, let us first get hold of the present scenario and then decide what is the best we can do.
India as a country is, right now, not self-sustained and cannot ban Chinese Products. The Government cannot ban Chinese Products Imports because of WTO norms and on the business level or as the end consumer, we cannot stop using them. India lags in Infrastructure. We are not capable of manufacturing all the chips and motherboards required to indigenize Smartphones, Mobiles, Laptops, and Computers. But can we live without smartphones or computers and become a super-power? Obviously, NO!
India ranks 63rd in the ‘Ease of Doing Business’, which is still not good. We have improved, no doubt! Our past rankings were in the range of 100’s and we have come a long way but still, there is a long way to go ahead. The Government of India is taking various measures to improve the situation. Policies and Schemes like ‘Make in India’, ‘Skill India’, ‘Start-up India’, and the most recent, ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ have empowered this vision of indigenization and will continue to do so.

As the citizens of this country what we can do is, we can participate in these schemes and make it happen because all that a Government can do is to incentivize but to act on is the duty of the citizens. India has various hurdles to become self-sustained like we do not have skilled labor (Here, skilled labor means having the technical knowledge of the job. Often mistaken with educated Engineers or Professionals, although they count too!), we lack in the infrastructure, the labor laws are still very complicated, we have poor warehousing facilities, the high cost of transportation, land, and power, and many such problems. We cannot get rid of our responsibilities blaming our government solely because we are the nation and not only a few people in the government.
As a common man, we can at least decide to buy alternative Indian products when it comes to Footwear, Toys, Furniture, etc., which Indian companies have been producing and manufacturing well enough. Though there might be a slight rate difference, it can be afforded. We can decide, not to use Chinese Apps like TikTok or PUBG which are wholly or partially owned by Chinese Companies and they take away Crores of Indian money out of the country weakening our economy. This is the least we can do and we should do!

To conclude, I believe that if each citizen of the country decides to strengthen India and its economy, we can indigenize it! It will take some time, but it can and it will happen.

Rahul Gandhi – A Lesser-Known Man

Rahul Gandhi - A Member of Parliament
On 19th June 1970, Rahul Gandhi was born in Delhi. Son of former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi; son of the President of Indian National Congress and an Italian – born, Sonia Gandhi; grandson of the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi; and a 49-year-old ‘Youth Icon’ of Indian National Congress, a former President of Indian National Congress is celebrating his Birthday today. We wish him a very warm and healthy year ahead! Happy Birthday!
We all know very well his political journey since he entered Indian Politics in 2004 but little did we know about his early life. So, here it is. He initially attended school at St. Columba’s School, Delhi before joining The Doon School in Dehradun, which is a boy-only private non-profit, academically selective boarding school. The Doon School is one of the most expensive and elite schools in the country. Later, due to security reasons, he was forced to complete his schooling at home i.e. he was home-schooled with his younger sister, Priyanka Gandhi.
Harvard University - Where Rahul Gandhi went to College
For his graduation, he joined St. Stephen’s College, Delhi (one of the most famous colleges in the country for Arts Specialization) but moved to Harvard University (undoubtedly, ranked in the top 3 universities of the world) after he completed first-year exams. Again due to security reasons, he moved to Rollins College, Florida, USA, and obtained his B.A. degree in 1944, where he had to change his name to ‘Raul Vinci’ for security reasons. Subsequently, he went to obtain an M.Phil. from Trinity College, Cambridge in 1995. Trinity College is one of the top-ranked colleges in one of the top-ranked universities in the world.
Trinity College, Cambridge - Where Rahul Gandhi obtained his M.Phil
As a child, as we can understand for the events, it would have been very challenging for him. Staying away from family constantly overshadowed by the fear for life, his childhood and education was indeed very challenging but he still managed to enroll himself in the best institutes of the world and graduate from them. It is rightly said, ‘A shining throne always has thrones which cannot be seen but only felt by the family of the beholder.
After completing his education, he worked at the Monitor Group, a London based Management Consultancy Firm. Eventually, he turned to India and became one of the Directors of Mumbai – based technology outsourcing company Backops Services Private Ltd in 2002 before joining politics in 2004.
His personal life has been in question for many years. In 2004, he told the press that he had a Spanish girlfriend, whom he had met while studying in England, but in 2013, he suggested that he may not get married at all. By religion, he identifies himself as a Hindu Brahmin.
Just having a glimpse of his personal and earlier life, one thing can be said for sure, ‘everything that glitters is not gold!’. It is not easy to be in his shoes no matter what we call him or what he does and how we judge him. He is a strong individual is all we know for sure!
We wish him all the strength and healthy on his Birthday!
Happy Birthday!

How to increase YouTube Subscribers? | Using Only 1 Code

The biggest challenge for a new YouTuber is to increase subscribers. The initial first 100 subscribers for most of us feels like a herculean task. We share our channel link on various different platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many more but still we are unable to get subscribers. 
The sharing efforts only increase our views but people do not subscribe to the channel.

So, if you really want to increase the number of subscribers by just using one code, you have landed upon the right page. If you share your channel link with this code the viewer who clicks on the link will directly land on your channel with a subscription confirmation window without them searching for the button. Let us see step by step how you can do it and get the maximum benefit in terms of increasing subscribers.

Step I: Get the URL of your channel. Go to YouTube --> Top right-most Menu --> Your Channel --> URL. The following images will demonstrate how you can get your channel URL.

Step II: Copy the URL and paste it into a note pad or a word file or anywhere you can. Here, I got the URL of my YouTube channel as 

Step III: Add this 1 code in front of your URL without space. Code: ?sub_confirmation=1. So, your channel URL becomes

Step IV: Now, this link is ready to be shared. If anyone clicks on this link, one will land on your youtube channel with a notification to confirm their subscription to your channel as follows:

This will promote your viewers to hit the subscribe button and resulting in an increase of your subscribers.
I hope this trick will be very helpful for you and create amazing results for you.

Let us know your suggestions and feedbacks in the comments below.

The Mysterious Power of an Idea

Idea’ a widely used word in our day-to-day life, but do we really understand it’s meaning? The other day, I asked a young boy, ‘What is an Idea?’ and the response benumbed me for a moment, he said ‘It’s a mobile SIM card, don’t you know it?’ Yes, Idea Cellular succeeded on their part, but the question remains the same, what is an Idea? The dictionary meaning for Idea is ‘a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action, or a mental impression, or an opinion, or belief’. What comes to my mind when I think about IDEA is:

Many things around us change every while and this happens only due to an Idea. There are many examples to think of around like Facebook, i-pad, Elevators or Escalators, and many more to this list. In fact, it won’t be wrong if I say it this way that all the things surrounding us started with an Idea, and the corporate world today is also focused on Innovation these days (just for the record). So, Ideas are powerful. We know that Ideas are powerful from the above few examples, and the world around us; but, do we really understand what Idea is? Or, what do we actually mean when we say we have an Idea? So let’s take some time to understand what an Idea is from my prospect.

The ‘I’ from an Idea stands for Imagination/Innovation for me and it is the most important element of it. Whenever we say that we have an idea we actually mean that we know how things can be done as we have imagined or we have an innovative way of doing things.

‘The True Sign of Intelligence is not Knowledge but Imagination – Albert Einstein
Most of us know that the human brain process around 30,000 thoughts per day on an average day (this number is taken on a safer side though, there are many!!!), so it means that everyone is too busy to be able to imagine and innovate, is it? For me, it’s not true because I have heard many people talking, ‘What if this is done this way?’ and there comes an Idea so we all have many Ideas but do we see all of them making huge loads of money or are they famous or anything like that of Facebook or WhatsApp? The answer is NO!!!

Here comes the second word ‘D’ from 'Idea'. For me, it stands for Dare. We all have imagined many ways to do things, but, did we really dare to put it up to our friends, family, teachers, or even ourselves? The answer is obviously NO!!! And we all know that!!! ‘What if I share this idea with my friends and they call me crazy!’ would be the first thought coming to your mind, but, I would like to question the thought ‘Would we be using Facebook if Mark Zuckerberg thought the same way?’ The answer is obvious that if we can’t dare, the Ideas will be Ideas and not the reality.

The next word is ‘E’ from Idea and it stands for Experimenting/Experiencing for me. The Ideas we come up with are not always right for the situation but are we ready to experiment and experience? Many times we all try or what we say ‘We experiment!’ with our food like Onion Chips with Shrikhand, Salt with Tea, and many more. Few times we succeed and few times we don’t, but, at least we experiment with our food; but, are we really that experimental with every Idea we come up with?
A Fool is a man who never tried an experiment in his life’ – Erasmus Darwin

The next and the last word in Idea is ‘A’ and it stands for Adventure for me. During this process of imagination, innovation, experimenting, and daring to do it we are on an Adventurous tour, and so for me ‘Ideas are Adventure’. But are we that adventurous in our lives? We all look for adventure away from our day to day life like going on trekking, gaming, and many more but the truth is our life itself is too adventurous in itself; it’s just the moment until you discover it.We all have Ideas and Ideas are free just dare to experiment, dare to experience, and dare to make life full of adventures.

The Decline of a Relationship - Relationship Life Cycle

‘A relationship works only when you work together.’
A very obvious statement and a logical one too. But do we understand this? We are surrounded by many dysfunctional relationships, and some of them are ours to deal with. Many associations start great, but as they naturally progress from the stages of a relationship from Initial Attraction to Honeymoon, they invariably tend to Mature. Maturity in a relationship is a delight if it is achieved right because at this stage everything is running efficiently without increased efforts as in the earlier phases of the relationship life cycle.

Efforts are called for from both parties involved to sustain the relationship and keep on growing from the stage of Maturity. But, everyone gets so busy ripening the fruits of the association that they ignore the relationship and this is where the problem begins! The decline in any relationship occurs in three steps and further, we go, the more it becomes challenging for us to revive the relationship. So let us consider each stage in decline one by one.

  1. Complacency
The parties involved are so self-satisfied and self-approved that they start taking things for granted. Here, the decision-making process is no more mutual and carelessness grows. For instance, the business decision to undergo a capital investment is a huge decision, but in case only one partner allows that decision then the other feels ignored/taken for granted. The difference between trust and taken for granted is a silver lining that needs to be balanced in any relationship otherwise decline starts.

  1. Breakdown in Communication
As the feeling of Taken for Granted grows in a relationship, each party involved takes its own decision for the business and against each other. The mutual communication between the parties, which represent the heart of the relationship, stops eventually. Here, the feedback stops, and complaining begins. Initially, the complaints are between the parties involved but latter on each one will complain about another in public. This is not beneficial for the relationship at all, as outsiders are just the audiences and they enjoy the show when both the parties and the business suffer.

  1. Divorce
If no further corrective actions are undertaken, which are really very challenging at this stage, eventually, the relationship will break off. This is the dirties part of any relationship as now nothing is about the relationship, but about achieving the maximum of whatever is left behind. If unfortunately, someone reaches this stage, it’s better to minimize the public show. Bigger the public show, more difficult it becomes for the revival of the relationship in the future.

In my opinion, if you ever feel that the decline of your relationship has started immediately taking corrective measures is important, and if you can’t save it, blissfully exit. The world is a stage and all the people in it are the audiences so don’t give them an additional show to enjoy which involves you.

The Growth of a Relationship - Relationship Life Cycle

'Man is by nature, a Social Animal' - Aristotle
As human beings, we have and we need relationships. Relationships have been crucial for the human race for various reasons, but the most important reason is survival. We have learned in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that we have many needs, starting from Physiological Needs to Love and Belonging to ultimately Self - Actualization and these cannot be fulfilled without successful relationships thriving. In simple terms, we have various relationships like friendship, partners, parents, children, society, student, teacher, and the list go on; and each relationship fulfills a particular role in our survival, growth, and prosperity in our personal and professional lives both.

Many studies have been undertaken by various philosophers and experts to understand how we start and built a relationship, and the study still is evolving (so does human life). But, one this is and always will be true that Relationships always have to be Genuine and Mutually Beneficial, period! In my opinion, there are five stages to a relationship until maturity. Understanding each stage will help us start and built great relationships in our lives. Let’s start by exploring each stage one by one.


  1. Initial Attraction: Be it our personal relationships of choice, such as friends or mate/partner, or be it a professional relationship, such as clients or business partners, Initial Attraction is present. Here, the initial attraction means getting attracted to the prospect of being together for mutual benefit. For instance, in a classroom, on the first-day students choose friends based on their common traits and likings because these traits and likings trigger comfort and attraction towards the person. In relationships, most of the time likes do attract.

  1. Courtship: In this stage, the relationship progresses from initial attraction and reaches to contact or lead generation. The process of Lead generation, in terms of business, is very crucial as it forms the first impression. Here, the key roles of both the parties involved are establishing contact, judging the prospects and its benefits; and understanding if this relationship can work out. Both parties are happy with this stage of the relationship and look forward to developing the relationship. In case either of the parties doesn’t feel positive about the relationship, the relationship will end at this stage; the very first stage to exit for the relationship. For instance, when a student in the new class gets along with some other students in the initial days may or may not continue to be with them until the very end of the term.

  1. Proposal: This is where the actual terms of the relationship are pitched. Let us understand this with an example, a businessman finds a prospective partner for a new business venture and they are now accustomed to each other i.e. they have been through the Courtship period, so, eventually, the businessman will pitch his proposal to be a partner and the terms of the relationship will be established.

  1. Wedding: If both parties in the relationship agree on the terms and see a mutual benefit, then they will get to this stage of the wedding. A wedding is the reality of every relationship. Here, each party has to fulfill their obligations and adhere to the term of relationship. The process of exploration reaches a new level as now both parties are involved at a day-to-day level. For instance, when two individuals enter into partnership (obviously for mutual benefit) then in the initial phase, they will adhere to the terms of the relationship and do their part in the business while closely exploring the other. This marks the actual beginning of the relationship. This stage is the ultimate aim of the prospecting process.

  1. Honeymoon: At this stage of any relationship, there is bliss! Both parties are enjoying the fruits (benefits) of the relationship and everything runs smoothly as each party is trying to impress the other and is willing to go the extra mile. The actual business starts here and we always need to extend this period of any relationship as it’s the most rewarding period of the relationship. The longer this stage runs, the longer it will take to reach the maturity stage of the relationship and hence, resulting in maximum benefits to both parties.

Having briefly understood the Five Growth Stages of any Relationship, it is very important for each individual to understand each individual relationship they have and strive to maximize the mutual benefit. In the end, everything you did and didn’t do counts, so, better be prepared and adapted to the new age challenges.