The Growth of a Relationship - Relationship Life Cycle

'Man is by nature, a Social Animal' - Aristotle
As human beings, we have and we need relationships. Relationships have been crucial for the human race for various reasons, but the most important reason is survival. We have learned in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that we have many needs, starting from Physiological Needs to Love and Belonging to ultimately Self - Actualization and these cannot be fulfilled without successful relationships thriving. In simple terms, we have various relationships like friendship, partners, parents, children, society, student, teacher, and the list go on; and each relationship fulfills a particular role in our survival, growth, and prosperity in our personal and professional lives both.

Many studies have been undertaken by various philosophers and experts to understand how we start and built a relationship, and the study still is evolving (so does human life). But, one this is and always will be true that Relationships always have to be Genuine and Mutually Beneficial, period! In my opinion, there are five stages to a relationship until maturity. Understanding each stage will help us start and built great relationships in our lives. Let’s start by exploring each stage one by one.


  1. Initial Attraction: Be it our personal relationships of choice, such as friends or mate/partner, or be it a professional relationship, such as clients or business partners, Initial Attraction is present. Here, the initial attraction means getting attracted to the prospect of being together for mutual benefit. For instance, in a classroom, on the first-day students choose friends based on their common traits and likings because these traits and likings trigger comfort and attraction towards the person. In relationships, most of the time likes do attract.

  1. Courtship: In this stage, the relationship progresses from initial attraction and reaches to contact or lead generation. The process of Lead generation, in terms of business, is very crucial as it forms the first impression. Here, the key roles of both the parties involved are establishing contact, judging the prospects and its benefits; and understanding if this relationship can work out. Both parties are happy with this stage of the relationship and look forward to developing the relationship. In case either of the parties doesn’t feel positive about the relationship, the relationship will end at this stage; the very first stage to exit for the relationship. For instance, when a student in the new class gets along with some other students in the initial days may or may not continue to be with them until the very end of the term.

  1. Proposal: This is where the actual terms of the relationship are pitched. Let us understand this with an example, a businessman finds a prospective partner for a new business venture and they are now accustomed to each other i.e. they have been through the Courtship period, so, eventually, the businessman will pitch his proposal to be a partner and the terms of the relationship will be established.

  1. Wedding: If both parties in the relationship agree on the terms and see a mutual benefit, then they will get to this stage of the wedding. A wedding is the reality of every relationship. Here, each party has to fulfill their obligations and adhere to the term of relationship. The process of exploration reaches a new level as now both parties are involved at a day-to-day level. For instance, when two individuals enter into partnership (obviously for mutual benefit) then in the initial phase, they will adhere to the terms of the relationship and do their part in the business while closely exploring the other. This marks the actual beginning of the relationship. This stage is the ultimate aim of the prospecting process.

  1. Honeymoon: At this stage of any relationship, there is bliss! Both parties are enjoying the fruits (benefits) of the relationship and everything runs smoothly as each party is trying to impress the other and is willing to go the extra mile. The actual business starts here and we always need to extend this period of any relationship as it’s the most rewarding period of the relationship. The longer this stage runs, the longer it will take to reach the maturity stage of the relationship and hence, resulting in maximum benefits to both parties.

Having briefly understood the Five Growth Stages of any Relationship, it is very important for each individual to understand each individual relationship they have and strive to maximize the mutual benefit. In the end, everything you did and didn’t do counts, so, better be prepared and adapted to the new age challenges.

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