‘A relationship works only when you work together.’
very obvious statement and a logical one too. But do we understand this? We are
surrounded by many dysfunctional relationships, and some of them are ours to
deal with. Many associations start great, but as they naturally progress from
the stages of a relationship from Initial Attraction to Honeymoon, they
invariably tend to Mature. Maturity in a relationship is a delight if it is
achieved right because at this stage everything is running efficiently without increased
efforts as in the earlier phases of the relationship life cycle.
Efforts are called for
from both parties involved to sustain the relationship and keep on growing from
the stage of Maturity. But, everyone gets so busy ripening the fruits of the association
that they ignore the relationship and this is where the problem begins! The
decline in any relationship occurs in three steps and further, we go, the more
it becomes challenging for us to revive the relationship. So let us consider
each stage in decline one by one.
- Complacency
The parties involved are so self-satisfied and
self-approved that they start taking things for granted. Here, the decision-making process is no more mutual and carelessness grows. For instance, the business
decision to undergo a capital investment is a huge decision, but in case only
one partner allows that decision then the other feels ignored/taken for
granted. The difference between trust and taken for granted is a silver lining that
needs to be balanced in any relationship otherwise decline starts.
- Breakdown in Communication
As the feeling of Taken for Granted grows in a
relationship, each party involved takes its own decision for the business and
against each other. The mutual communication between the parties, which represent
the heart of the relationship, stops eventually. Here, the feedback stops, and
complaining begins. Initially, the complaints are between the parties involved
but latter on each one will complain about another in public. This is not beneficial
for the relationship at all, as outsiders are just the audiences and they enjoy
the show when both the parties and the business suffer.
- Divorce
If no further corrective actions are undertaken, which
are really very challenging at this stage, eventually, the relationship will
break off. This is the dirties part of any relationship as now nothing is about
the relationship, but about achieving the maximum of whatever is left behind.
If unfortunately, someone reaches this stage, it’s better to minimize the
public show. Bigger the public show, more difficult it becomes for the revival
of the relationship in the future.
my opinion, if you ever feel that the decline of your relationship has started
immediately taking corrective measures is important, and if you can’t save it,
blissfully exit. The world is a stage and all the people in it are the
audiences so don’t give them an additional show to enjoy which involves you.
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